Climate change is a reality that threatens the health of the planet as well as our way of life.
However, opportunities to reduce the impact of greenhouse gas emissions and, therefore, the ecological footprint of our activity already exist. As a non-profit organisation, AOPA Luxembourg, which represents aircraft owners and pilots in Luxembourg, has decided to actively shape the future and promote sustainable development by implementing a carbon reduction strategy. The President of AOPA Luxembourg, Peter Sodermans, explains: “This new initiative will not only neutralise the carbon impact of its motor-powered flight activities with light aircraft but also actively participates in the education, the protection of forests and biodiversity..
AOPA Luxembourg has set up a collaboration with Graine de vie consisting of calculating the carbon effect of flights in powered aircraft organised by AOPA Luxembourg. By individual flight, we now integrate the environmental impact in terms of CO2. The partnership will make it possible to contribute financially, on a voluntary basis, to reforestation campaigns in the eastern region of Madagascar. Graine de Vie supplied more than 80,000 seeds for the reforestation of 40 hectares in Mahanoro Vatomandry. This operation will consist of neutralising the carbon effects of flights carried out under AOPA Luxembourg.
Shahriar Agaajani, Member of the AOPA Luxembourg board, developed the initiative to quantify the environmental impact due to general aviation, to record all the emissions caused accurately and to neutralise the carbon impact of AOPA members.
AOPA Luxembourg and Graine de vie are pleased to obtain support for this new initiative from Mr. Francois Bausch, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Mobility and Public Works of the Government of Luxembourg. Minister Bausch explains: “I welcome the awareness and initiative adopted by AOPA concerning the assessment and voluntary offsetting of CO2 emissions from general aviation. Among private flights, it is still rare to take carbon effects into account. In this sense, I fully support the green and proactive spirit of AOPA.”
AOPA Luxembourg is a non-profit association to serve the interests of its members as aircraft owners and pilots, by promoting the economy, safety, utility and popularity of flight in general aviation aircraft. We welcome all pilots and owners of any type of general aviation aircraft, including single-engine fixed-wing and twin-piston-and-turbine aircraft, airships, helicopters, microlights, gliders and balloons.
Graine de vie is an NGO supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the Directorate of Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Action, which is dedicated to reforestation and reforestation in order to offset our emissions down to zero and reach carbon neutrality by 2023. Since its creation in 2014, Graine de vie has replanted more than 35 million trees. Indeed, 10,000 trees can capture 1,000 tons of CO2 after ten years. Edouard Lambrechts, President of Grain de de vie Luxembourg asbl explains: “When we created Graine de vie Luxembourg 9 years ago, we opted for reforestation, including the mangroves which are so important for the reproduction of fish and shellfish. The tree is essential to our environment: It is a carbon sink that feeds on the CO2 emitted in excessive quantities by our excessive lifestyles. The tree is a source of life, produces our oxygen, shelters and nourishes biodiversity, slows down desertification and ensures the natural water cycle. It is also a source of income for local communities.”